Welcome to our popular series of musical siddurim designed to teach the beginning ba'al tefillah the proper nusah to lead any service. This course was designed from its inception to provide all the tools needed by students at all levels of their journey. Originally designed as a volume that could actually be used on the amud, each prayer has an easy to follow recording and appears in the original Hebrew, and includes a note-for-note musical setting and transliteration to take away all the guesswork of what you need to do when you step up to the amud to lead a service.
Take the course in order, or jump around as you wish, you'll find everything you need to get started learning how to lead Minchah for the Weekday Service. Keep checking back, as new materials will be added to this course on a regular basis, including videos, additional voice recordings for male and female, and pointers from expert sh'lichei tzibbur and hazzanim.
Have questions about anything you see here or anything you'd like to see here, please let us know at support@cantors.org.