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For one low monthly or annual subscription rate, you will have access to ALL the content on this site. As our courses grow--and they willl--so will the amazing value that you will receive. If you have a discount code, you will enter it on the Checkout page before you enter your payment information. Scroll down for information on organizational subscriptions and discounts.
30-Day Trial
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- Weekday
- Shabbat
- High Holy Days
- Three Festivals
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Monthly Account
Unlimited Access to All Courses- Includes:
- Weekday
- Shabbat
- High Holy Days
- Three Festivals
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Annual Account
Unlimited Access to All Courses- Includes:
- Weekday
- Shabbat
- High Holy Days
- Three Festivals
- $12 discount off monthly subscription rates
Organizational Pricing
Looking for pricing for your synagogue, yeshiva, school or organization? Please contact us for more information.
Are you eligible for a discount?
If you're a member in good standing of the CA, ACC or a student, please contact us to receive your discount code.
What is a Musical Siddur?
Our series of Musical Siddurim by Hazzan Pinchas Spiro z"l contains the all the essential building blocks for you to learn how to lead any service throughout the entire liturgical year. Each prayer is presented with the complete Hebrew text, English transliteration, syllable-by-syllable musical notation and note-for-note recording made by Hazzan Spiro himself. No matter your Hebrew level of ability to read music, you'll find our Musical Siddirum accessible and easy to follow.
Do I need to be able to read Hebrew to use a Musical Siddur?
While Hebrew reading is not required to use our Musical Siddurim, it is very helpful. All you have to do is follow the transliterations provided, listen to the recordings and the pronunciation should be very clear. Of course, there's no substitute for having your cantor, rabbi or other knowledgeable lay person check your work before you step up to the amud.
Do I need to be able to read Hebrew to lead a service?
Ah! That's the million-dollar question. The answer depends on who you ask. The Sages, of blessed memory, enjoined upon us to pray in a language we understand, with the understanding that Hebrew is the ideal to which we should always aspire. Our Musical Siddurim were created with the student in mind. As long as you are leading with kavannah, or intention, and your community has called upon you to lead them in prayer, we want you to have the tools to ascend the bima with confidence regardless of your current level of Hebrew. If your Hebrew language skills are still developing, study the prayers in translation to ensure you understand them, grab your Musical Siddur and start leading!
Can I access the lessons in any order I want?
Yes. We understand that everyone comes with different background and experience. You may know some prayers that others don't, so feel free to jump around as you choose.
I only need to learn one kind of service. Do I have to pay for everything?
We've priced these online courses in a manner consistent with what you might have paid for the physical books that we've been selling for decades. Rather than sell individual courses, we felt we could provide the most value to our customers by offering the whole kit and caboodle for one low subscription price rather than selling courses a la carte. If you only need to learn one service, you might want to simply register for a monthly subscription and unsubscribe once you've completed your learning. If you want a refresher, or to learn new material, you can always resubscribe when the time is right.
Where do I enter my discount code?
Once you have selected your desired membership level on the "Membership Levels" page, you will be taken to the "Membership Checkout" page. In small text below your selected Membership Level price, you will see a small link in orange the reads "Click here to enter your discount code." Note: you must add your discount code prior to clicking the "Submit & Checkout" button.
Can I use a Musical Siddur in a live service?
The short answer is: YES! In addition to all the goodies we've included to help you learn, all of our Musical Siddurim contains the complete Hebrew text of every service you may be called upon to lead. Ideally, you will be able to just use your siddur or machzor without need of the music or transliterations, but if you're not ready to ditch the music or transliterations just yet, simply visit our store and get your copy of the Musical Siddur of your choice.
Do I need to purchase a physical copy to use a Musical Siddur?
That's totally up to you. If you find the online resources sufficient for your learning needs, there's no need to purchase the books. If, however, you feel the need for extra support while you're davening, or just want to learn with an actual book in your hand, you can always order what you need from our online store and then use the recordings here to guide your learning.
What if I can't read music?
Our Musical Siddurim are designed to work equally well whether you can read music or not. If reading music is not your thing, just listen to the recordings.
Which service should I learn first?
While the answer depends on your particular needs, we recommend beginning with the most common services first and working your way up from there. Since the weekday services provide the blueprint for the structure of all the services, and are generally easiest to learn musically, it might be best to start there. Or maybe you already know how to lead a weekday service and need to prepare for a High Holy Day job or assignment. As with most things in life, feel free to take what you want and leave the rest.
Do you have courses to teach Torah Cantillation?
Coming soon. We have a dedicated team hard at work on creating lessons. In the meantime, we urge you to reach out to your cantor for instruction in conjunction with such online tools as TropeTrainer.
How to I change my membership level?
If you would like to change your membership level in order to gain access to additional content on our site, follow these simple instructions. These instructions also apply if you are interested in downgrading your membership level.
Log in to your membership account. From your Membership Account, click the link to “Change”. The following screen will show you an overview of our available membership levels with links to upgrade or downgrade. After you select a new membership level, you will be directed to a checkout page in order to complete your membership subscription. Your previous subscription payment will be cancelled and a new subscription payment will be created. Your increased or decreased access will not be confirmed until a successful subscription payment has been received for your new membership level..
How to I cancel my membership?
You may cancel your membership at anytime by visiting your Membership Account page and clicking the cancel link, or by visiting this page.